Microsoft Edge

How to Open URL in PowerShell in Chrome Edge Firefox

PowerShell: Open URL in Chrome, Edge or Firefox

When you work with PowerShell, there are times when you need to open a website in a specific browser instead of just any browser or the default one. This is sometimes needed if you need to test [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
How to Unlock and View Hidden Content on Websites

How to Unlock and View Hidden Content on Websites

When you surf the web, sometimes you find websites with content you can’t see right away. This can be due to design choices, access limits, or even A/B testing. Hidden stuff like secret [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
how to bypass countdown on a website website

How website’s countdown timer works: Can you bypass it?

A countdown timer on a website can do a lot of things. It can make people feel like they need to buy something quickly during a sale, count down to a big event, or stop bots from messing around [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
How to bypass queue-it 2023 2024

What is Queue-it on some websites and can you bypass it?

When more people start using online services, websites and web apps can get very busy. This can make things slow or even stop working. A common solution that many website owners are starting to [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
Save Inspect Element Changes Permanently

How to Save “Inspect Element” Changes Permanently

Modern web browsers come with a quite useful tool called “Inspect Element” that lets you peek into and edit the HTML and CSS of a webpage. But, these changes will vanish when as soon [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
Disable IEToEdge BHO
Microsoft Edge

Disable IEToEdge BHO to Stop IE11 Redirect to Edge

Internet Explorer, or often known as its short-form IE, has been the default browser Windows users have used since quite the beginning of Windows itself. But as technology evolves, things [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
Microsoft Edge Share Feature Not Working
Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge Share Feature Not Working

There has been an ongoing issue lately where a lot of users who use Microsoft Edge have reported that the share feature has suddenly stopped working. When you try to bring up the share button, [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
Microsoft Edge Icon on Taskbar
Microsoft Edge

How to Change Microsoft Edge Icon on Taskbar or Desktop

As Windows users, we all like to make our desktop look a bit more “us”. If you’re into Microsoft Edge and prefer it as your main web browser, you might think of changing its [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
msedgewebview2.exe Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime

How to Uninstall Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime

Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime installation began in April 2021. The Webview2 runtime is pre-installed on all Windows 11 computers and Windows 10 with Microsoft 365 apps version 2101 or later. [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago