
Why is Bottom Half of My Monitor Screen Black

Why is Bottom Half of My Monitor Screen Black?

If you find that the bottom half (or top half) of your monitor screen turns black or is showing black bars or weird artifacts, besides the monitor being broken, there are other things that can [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
What is HP.OMEN.Overlay.OverlayHelper

What is HP.OMEN.Overlay.Helper & How to disable it

If you’re randomly prompted with a UAC pop-up that asks for permission for HP.OMEN.Overlay.OverlayHelper to make changes to your computer, or if you already knew about this process and are [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
OmenCommandCenterBackground.exe Application Error

OmenCommandCenterBackground.exe Application Error

If you have HP OMEN Gaming Hub or OMEN Command Center installed on your PC, you’ll have this process called OmenCommandCenterBackground.exe running in the background. This guide will talk [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
What is HP.OMEN.OMENInstallMonitor why it's using so much RAM

HP.OMEN.OMENInstallMonitor Using Lots of RAM

If you have also noticed a weird process called HP.OMEN.OMENInstallMonitor in the Task Manager using up a lot of RAM and sometimes causing high CPU usage too (in Windows 11 or 10), you might be [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
What do the Red USB Ports mean on my computer

What do the Red USB Ports (SS10) mean on my PC?

Many people are curious about the red USB port that they usually find behind the case of their computer or on some laptops. While USB ports have changed a lot over time and come in different [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
BIOS Keeps Resetting Fans at Max Speed on Boot

BIOS Keeps Resetting & Fans at Max Speed on Boot

Do you have a weird problem where your computer’s BIOS resets by itself, and the fans get really loud when you start it up, even though the CMOS battery is completely fine? I had the same [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
ASRock Instant Flash No image file detected

ASRock Instant Flash “No image file detected”, Why?

We recently tried to update our computer’s BIOS with the latest firmware to fix some problems. Thus, we put the new firmware file on a USB drive, started the PC, and tried to use the [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
How long does thermal paste last once opened

Can you use old Thermal Paste? Does it expire?

If you’re cleaning, upgrading or even building your own computer, you might often find an old tube of thermal paste lying around under your desk, and you might wonder, “Can I still [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
How to Change Mouse Movement Between Two Three Monitors Windows 11

How to Change Mouse Movement Between 2-3 Monitors

If you’re a professional or gamer using multiple monitors, it’s extremely useful to know how to control your mouse as it moves across different screens. For those using Windows 11 or [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
Windows 11 Not Detecting USB-C Monitors

Windows 11 Not Detecting USB-C Monitors, Why?

There is a common issue where some users have problems trying to get their Windows 11 PC to detect their USB-C monitors. This issue affects a wide range of devices and brands, not just a few [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago