
Reset BIOS Password for Lenovo Thinkpad Ideapad Yoga Legion

Reset BIOS Password for Lenovo ThinkPad, Ideapad, Yoga, etc.

When you need to fix a problem or change an incorrect setting in the BIOS, you might often need to get into the BIOS. But what if you’ve forgotten your BIOS password, or if you’ve [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
Battery Light Blinking Orange on Lenovo, Dell or Asus Laptop

Battery Light Blinking Orange on Lenovo, Dell or Asus Laptop

If you notice that your laptop battery light is blinking orange all of a sudden, it could be telling you something about your laptop’s battery health, charging status or if there is a [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
How to Use Onboard Graphics And Dedicated Graphics Card Simultaneously

Using Onboard Graphics And Graphics Card Simultaneously

Is your graphics card not giving you enough ports to connect all your monitors? And you’re wondering if you can also use your computer’s built-in graphics at the same time? [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
How much does a laptop weigh

How much does a Lenovo, HP or Dell laptop weigh?

When you’re looking to buy a laptop, considering its weight is very important if you don’t want to regret later when you realize how heavy it is to carrying it around. There are many [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
What happens if you play 1440p on a 1080p monitor

What happens if you play 1440p on a 1080p monitor?

When you have a monitor that can only display up to 1080p videos or images, you might wonder what happens if you forcefully play a 1440p video or game on a 1080p monitor. It does have some [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
Computer Fans Randomly Speed Up

Computer Fans Randomly Speed Up, Why?

If you notice that your computer’s fans (those inside your PC’s chassis) suddenly spin so fast that they make obvious noises, it could mean a few things, but normally it just means [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
16GB vs 32GB RAM for Windows 11 Differences

16GB vs 32GB RAM for Windows 11: Differences

If you’re building a brand new computer for Windows 11 or upgrading one, at some point, you will have to decide how much RAM to use for this rig. But among the two most commonly used [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
AH-IPS vs IPS Differences and Which is Better

AH-IPS vs IPS: Their Differences and Which is Better

When choosing a screen for your computer, TV, or phone, you’ll likely run into some very technical terms like IPS (In-Plane Switching) and AH-IPS (Advanced High-Performance In-Plane [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
GPU Artifacting Examples, How to Test, and Fixes

GPU Artifacting Examples, How to Test, and Fixes

GPU artifacting is about weird or messed up images on your screen because of some problems with the graphics card. You might see things like flickering, odd lines, colors changing, or weird [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
How to Know Which RAM is Compatible With My Laptop

Knowing Which RAM is Compatible With Your Laptop

Adding more RAM to your laptop is a normal thing to do when you want it to perform faster when it comes to dealing with multiple running apps at the same time (though more RAM isn’t always [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago