Windows 11

Why is Bottom Half of My Monitor Screen Black

Why is Bottom Half of My Monitor Screen Black?

If you find that the bottom half (or top half) of your monitor screen turns black or is showing black bars or weird artifacts, besides the monitor being broken, there are other things that can [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
Why is my A400 SSD So Slow in Read or Write Speed

Why is my A400 SSD So Slow in Read/Write Speed?

If you have a Kingston A400 SSD and notice that its read and write speed is so slow that it doesn’t make sense (sometimes you might notice it’s even slower than a conventional HDD), [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
What is Mobile devices CrossDeviceService.exe

What is “Mobile devices” (CrossDeviceService.exe)?

When you open the “Startup apps” section in the Task Manager in Windows 11, you will now likely see a program called “Mobile devices“, listed with Microsoft Windows as [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
Everything in Windows 11 Looks Black and White

Everything in Windows 11 Looks Black and White?

If you see that everything in Windows 11, including the background or wallpaper, interfaces, windows, buttons, taskbar, and basically the entire desktop, is all black and white, right after you [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
Monitor Works on Motherboard But Not GPU

Monitor Works on Motherboard But Not GPU, Why?

If you’re having a strange issue where, when you plug your monitor into your motherboard’s integrated graphics, it works, but when you plug it into your dedicated GPU like an NVIDIA [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
PC won't boot past BIOS Windows 11

Windows 11 PC Won’t Boot Past the BIOS, Why?

Actually, no matter what OS your computer runs, if it can’t even boot past the BIOS screen or if it doesn’t even show the BIOS logo (usually your motherboard logo), it usually points [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
Snipping Tool Video Record Not Working in Windows 11

Snipping Tool Video Record Doesn’t Work (Win 11)

You can now actually record a video of your screen using just the Snipping Tool. It’s an amazing feature that has been brought into this tool that was originally a screenshot tool. [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
Snipping Tool Video Record No Sound

Snipping Tool No Sound in Video Recording (Win 11)

Video recording is an amazing extra feature that has been recently added to the Snipping Tool in Windows 11. You can now record video with just the Snipping Tool without the need to install any [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
Evernote high CPU usage

Evernote Weirdly Causing Very High CPU Usage

There is a quite common issue with Evernote where it might use a significant amount of CPU resources when it’s running in the background, like 20-30% all the time, and sometimes as high as [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
Snipping Tool No Video Recording Option

Snipping Tool No Video Recording Option, Why?

If you have heard about the exciting update that brought a new video recording feature to one of the most used built-in tools in Windows – Snipping Tool, only to find that you see no video [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago