
Change Ctrl to Caps Lock

How to Swap Ctrl, Caps Lock, Alt and Shift in Windows 11

This tutorial will show you how to swap Ctrl and Caps Lock, Ctrl and Alt, Ctrl and Shift, or basically any two keys in Windows 11 using a powerful tool called PowerToys by Microsoft. Swap Ctrl, [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
How to lock keyboard in Windows 11

How to Lock Keyboard in Windows 11

If you have kids, pets, clueless family or friends that have access to your PC while you are away, temporarily locking your keyboard would be a useful measure to prevent them from accidentally [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
How to Disable Laptop Keyboard Permanently in Windows 11

How to Disable Laptop Keyboard Permanently in Windows 11

Many users use their laptop computers with an external keyboard as if they are using a desktop computer. Since built-in hardware such as keyboard are hardwired into the laptop, you cannot [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
Bluetooth Not Discovering Devices Windows 11

Bluetooth Not Detecting Devices in Windows 11

Were you trying to pair a device to your PC but the Windows Bluetooth “Add a device” couldn’t detect any device even though there is at least one nearby Bluetooth device in [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
How to transfer files from Android to PC via Bluetooth

How to Transfer File From Android to Windows 11 via Bluetooth

Do you have a file, photo or document on your phone you want to quickly send to your PC? You can transfer file between Android and Windows 11 PC easily via Bluetooth, provided your PC has a [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
How to Disable a Key on Keyboard in Windows 11

How to Disable a Key on Keyboard in Windows 11

Do you often misclick a specific key on your keyboard and that you wish to disable that particular key so that it does nothing at all when pressed? Here’s a guide on how to disable any [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
Reassign keyboard keys in Windows 11

How to Remap Keyboard Keys in Windows 11

There are situations where you would want to change a keyboard key to a different key function for gaming purposes or for your works. This guide will show you how to reassign keyboard keys in [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
How to change refresh rate desktop screen Windows 11

How to Change Desktop Screen Refresh Rate in Windows 11

This guide will show you how to change the refresh rate of desktop screen in Windows 11. Unlike the refresh rate you set in games, this is the refresh rate Windows uses to run the desktop screen [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
How to Change Default System Display Language in Windows 11

How to Change Default System Language in Windows 11

In Windows 11, you can set the default system UI (user interface) language, also known as Windows display language, so that Windows will use the set language for all texts in all of its system [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago
How to turn on screensaver in Windows 11

How to Turn On/Off or Change Screen Saver in Windows 11

Screen saver, also often written as screensaver, is disabled by default in Windows 11. The feature still exists in Windows 11 but you have to manually turn it on if you want to use it. This [...]

By Nyau Wai Hoe, ago