Funny Ways to Break Google Translate Voices into a Stroke

Published by Nyau Wai Hoe - Updated on

Google Translate is a super useful tool for everyone who loves to travel, learn new languages, or just needs to connect with people around the world. It’s mainly there to help us understand each other better. But, guess what? Some folks have found funny ways to mess with Google Translate’s speaking feature for a good laugh. Just remember, it’s cool to have fun but let’s keep it nice and not misuse the tech!

Also see: How to Voice Type in Windows 11

Funny Ways to Break Google Translate Voices

How to make Google Translate say funny things

The voice thing in Google Translate is there to help us get the hang of how words and phrases sound in other languages. But, when you play around with it by typing certain things, you might get it to stutter, make funny noises, or even switch up accents. It’s a cool way to make your friends laugh or just have some fun with the app.

Making Google Translate have a stroke

Okay, so when people say making it “have a stroke,” they’re joking about making the voice sound all weird and funny. Here are some cool tricks to try:

  1. When you stretch out vowels like typing “Aaaaaa” or “Eeeeeeee“, the voice tries to keep up and ends up sounding really funny. Mixing vowels like “aaaaaeeeeeaaaaaeeeee” makes it even funnier, especially if you try it in different languages, like Albanian.How to make Google Translate have a stroke
  2. Putting spaces where they don’t belong, like in “H e l l o,” confuses it and makes it sound like it’s trying to catch its breath.
  3. Long numbers can also mess with it, making the voice rush through or slow down in a funny way.

Handy guide: How to Type Chinese in Windows 11

Funny Google Translate beatboxing

Did you know you can turn Google Translate into a beatbox? Just type in some special strings, and listen to the beats it comes up with.

  1. For some cool rhythms, use strings that play with the sounds of languages. It’s not exactly beatboxing, but it’s pretty fun to hear what comes out.
  2. Switching languages and using these special strings can give you a bunch of different beats.

Funny Google Translate Beatbox

Making Google Translate laugh

Google Translate can even “laugh.” Check this out:

  1. Typing a bunch of “hahahahahaha” makes it sound like it’s laughing. The more you type, the crazier the laughter sounds.
  2. Switching the laughter into another language and back might change how the laughter sounds.
  3. Mixing “hahaha” with other words can lead to some funny moments.

How to make Google Translate laugh

Confounding consonants

Stuffing a sentence with the same consonant over and over can create some hilarious sounds. Like:

  1. Try a sentence full of Bs. It’s a hoot!
  2. Or how about Ts? That’s pretty funny, too.
  3. Don’t forget the Ss. They’re super silly.

Nonsense Google Translate Gibberish

Emoji explosion

Putting a bunch of emojis into Google Translate can turn out some unexpected pronunciations, as it tries to describe each emoji.

Example: 😂🐱🎉 might be pronounced as “Face with tears of joy, cat, tada!”

Making Google Translate read funny emojis

Nonsense sentences to generate gibberish in Google Translate

Google Translate can get pretty confused by sentences that don’t make sense, leading to some funny gibberish.


  • Try: “Why is the purple chicken eating spaghetti in space?”
  • Switch it up by translating it to a rare language and then back to English.
  • What you get back might make you laugh!

How to make Google Translate say funny things

Language looping

Translating a sentence through several languages and back can make it sound totally wacky. It’s like the telephone game, but with Google Translate.

  1. Try translating a simple English sentence through a few different languages and see what you end up with. It’s usually pretty funny!

Other tips to break Google Translate voices

There are even more ways to have fun with Google Translate, like trying out less common languages or playing with punctuation.

  1. Exploring rare languages can lead to some of the funniest outcomes.Best funny language in Google Translate
  2. Messing with punctuation or typing short, quick sentences can also make it do some funny things.
  3. And if you find something really funny, don’t forget to record it because it might not work the same way next time!

One last thing

Google Translate’s voice function is a really cool piece of technology. But, like all technology, it can act a bit strange at times. When folks mess around and find these funny little quirks, they come up with some pretty funny ways to make it produce unexpected sounds. It’s awesome to have fun with technology, but it’s important to always use it in a good way and avoid causing any trouble.

Just keep in mind, these tricks are all about having a good laugh and not about poking fun at Google Translate’s amazing features. It’s a nod to how creative people can get, even with something as simple as a translation tool.

Categories: GamingGoogle

Nyau Wai Hoe
Nyau Wai Hoe is the Founder and Chief Editor of With a degree in software engineering and over 12 years of experience in the tech support industry, Nyau has established himself as an expert in the field, with a primary focus on the Microsoft Windows operating system. As a tech enthusiast, he loves exploring new technologies and leveraging them to solve real-life problems.

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