How to Permanently Lock SafeSearch on Google in Chrome

Published by Nyau Wai Hoe - Updated on

It’s usually pretty simple to turn on SafeSearch on Google, but making sure it stays on can be a bit more difficult (because it’s so easy to turn off as well). This is really important if you have children using the same device because SafeSearch helps protect them from seeing bad stuff. In this guide, we’ll show you different ways to lock SafeSearch settings permanently on Google in Chrome.

Also see: How to Block Adult Websites in Windows 11

How to Permanently Lock SafeSearch on Google in Chrome

Modify the “hosts” file to lock SafeSearch permanently

Locking SafeSearch across different browsers on a Windows computer can be done effectively by changing the hosts file. This method makes sure Google always uses SafeSearch by redirecting its DNS queries. It works on browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.

What you’ll need

  • Administrative access to the computer
  • A text editor like Notepad
  • Basic understanding of file directories in Windows

How to correctly to modify the “hosts” file

  1. Open Command Prompt and type ping Write down the IP address that shows up. This is the IP Google uses to enforce SafeSearch and it might change based on where you are.

    IP Address of

  2. Find Notepad in the Start menu, right-click on it, and choose “Run as administrator.”Run Notepad as administrator Windows 11
  3. In Notepad, go to File > Open, head to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc, and then pick the hosts file. If you can’t see the hosts file, click on the dropdown next to “File name” and select “All files.
    Open hosts file Windows 11
  4. Add these lines at the end of the document using the IP address you got earlier:
    [SafeSearch IP address]

    For example, if the IP address is, you’d add:

    This makes Windows redirect any requests to to, which forces Google to turn on SafeSearch.Permanently Lock SafeSearch on Google

  5. If you or others might use Google from different countries, copy the lines you just added but replace with the relevant domain, like or

    Force Safe Search Permanently on Google

  6. Save the file and close Notepad. If you run into problems while saving, check if you have administrative rights and try again.
  7. Open Command Prompt as an administrator and type ipconfig /flushdns, then hit Enter. This refreshes the DNS cache, making sure your changes work.
    IPConfig Flush DNS cache Windows 11
  8. To make sure SafeSearch filtering is actually on, go to Check that SafeSearch is set to “on” and that you can’t turn it off.Lock Google SafeSearch Permanently so it can't be turned off
  9. Finally, open any browser and see if SafeSearch is locked. It should be on by default, and you shouldn’t be able to turn it off.

Note: Be careful when editing the hosts file because wrong changes can cause very serious network issues like not being able to open certain or all websites.

Learn more: How to Block Websites on Chrome Without Extension

Use the Web Filter for Chrome extension

If Google Chrome is your main browser and you want a complete solution, the “Web Filter for Chrome” extension is a great choice. It automatically turns on SafeSearch for all Google searches, including images and videos. It also locks SafeSearch for other big search engines like Bing and Yahoo, and stops direct access to adult sites.

How to set up Web Filter for Chrome

  1. Open Google Chrome, go to the Chrome Web Store, search for “Web Filter for Chrome,” and click “Add to Chrome” to start the installation.
    Adult Web Filter for Google Chrome
  2. After installing, restart Chrome to turn on the features.
  3. To check if it’s working, try some searches on Google, Bing, and Yahoo to see if SafeSearch is on. Also, try going directly to adult sites to see if they’re blocked.
    Turn on SafeSearch Permanently Google Chrome

Note: Extensions can be easily turned off or removed via the browser’s settings, so this method may not be as effective as changing the hosts file. To make things better, you might want to consider setting up admin restrictions in Chrome to stop changes to these extensions that you don’t authorize.

Pro tip: How to Block a Website Such As YouTube in Windows 11

Use a parental control software instead

If you need a more complete way to keep SafeSearch on across different browsers and devices, third-party parental control software is a good option. These programs offer lots of features, like tracking browsing history and limiting screen time, in addition to turning on SafeSearch.

  1. Pick a parental control software that fits your needs. Popular choices include Qustodio, Norton Family, and Net Nanny.Norton Family
  2. Follow the instructions to download and install the software on your device.
  3. You’ll probably need to create an account to manage settings and see reports.
  4. Find the SafeSearch or web filtering option in the settings and turn it on. This usually automatically makes SafeSearch work on big search engines like Google.
  5. Set up other features like app blocking, screen time management, and activity reports as you like.
  6. If you have more than one device to manage, you can usually install the software on all of them and control them from one place.

Note: Parental control software usually requires a subscription, so think about this when you’re deciding.

Using parental control software can make sure that whoever is browsing using the computer is safe, not just by turning on SafeSearch but also with many other features that give you more control and peace of mind, especially when you have children using the same computer.

Some final words

Your choice of which method to use to make sure SafeSearch is always on will depend on which browsers you use, how much control you want, and whether you’re okay with paying a bit extra. No matter which method you choose, the main goal is to make sure you have a safe browsing experience, especially if young people or many people use the same computer.

Nyau Wai Hoe
Nyau Wai Hoe is the Founder and Chief Editor of With a degree in software engineering and over 12 years of experience in the tech support industry, Nyau has established himself as an expert in the field, with a primary focus on the Microsoft Windows operating system. As a tech enthusiast, he loves exploring new technologies and leveraging them to solve real-life problems.

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