What is Chrome’s Maximum File Upload Size?

Published by Nyau Wai Hoe - Updated on

Google Chrome is currently the most popular browser for a lot of reasons, and like many other browsers, you can upload files with it. But have you ever wondered just how big a file you can upload? This guide’s going to walk you through what Chrome can do when it comes to uploading files, and what to take note of.

Also see: Change Default Upload Folder in Chrome on Windows 11/10

What is Chrome's Maximum File Upload Size

Chrome’s max file upload size

Right now, Google Chrome doesn’t really have a set limit for how big the files you upload can be. In theory, Chrome can handle uploads of any size that follow HTTP standards. This means the browser itself doesn’t stop you from uploading big files. But, there are practical things that might limit this.

Chrome max file upload size

Factors that can affect the maximum file upload size

Even though Chrome doesn’t have a file size limit, several things can affect how the big a file you can upload on a website. The following are some important things to think about:

Server limitations

The server you’re sending your file to might have its own rules about how big files can be. Server admins set these limits to keep things running smoothly and avoid misuse. It’s a good idea to check if there’s a file size limit for wherever you’re uploading to.

File upload transfer size limit on Chrome

Your internet connection

Your internet connection’s speed and stability can directly affect your file upload, especially with bigger files. If your connection is slow or somewhat unreliable, your upload would stop or fail, and it might not be due to maximum file size, but simply a bad connection.

Internet connection upload speed

Website or application restrictions

The website or app you’re using to upload might have its own size limits for files. These limits help with compatibility, prevent server overload, or meet the platform’s needs. Always check the rules or help sections for the website or app you’re using for relevant info.

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Chrome’s POST size limit

For uploading files, we often use something called the POST method to send data to servers. Chrome doesn’t say how much data you can send this way; it’s up to the server to decide. Servers have a POST data limit to manage data they get efficiently.

If you try to send more data than the server’s limit, you might run into errors or your upload might not go through. If this happens, you might need to look at different ways to send your big files, like using cloud storage or splitting the file into smaller parts.

Related resource: How to Download Multiple Files at Once in Chrome

Maximum number of file uploads browser can handle

When uploading files, Chrome and other browsers use multiple connections to speed things up, especially if you’re sending lots of files at once. Chrome follows the HTTP/1.1 standard, which allows up to six connections for each domain. Newer HTTP versions, like HTTP/2, let you upload more files over a single connection.

However, how many connections you can use might change based on the server and the version of Chrome you’re using. If uploading isn’t working as expected, try to check your browser and server settings to make sure they’re up to date.

Maximum number of file uploads browser can handle

Server-side configuration and browser limitations

Normally, you can’t change upload size limits directly in Chrome, but some extensions or developer tools might let you tweak certain settings. Please note, though, the main thing that determines upload size is how the server is set up, not your browser. These limits help prevent problems like server overloads or security issues.

Website server's maximum file upload size

If you’re having problems with uploads, contacting the server admin or the support team for the website or app you’re using can give you more info and possible workarounds.

Different file upload size limits across browsers

Even though Chrome doesn’t set a strict limit, different browsers might. For example, older Internet Explorer versions limit you to 4GB per file, and Firefox and Safari have their own rules. You should look up any limits for the browser you’re using.

Firefox max file upload size

Browsers get updated from time to time, so what’s a limit today might not be tomorrow. Check your Chrome for updates to make sure your upload issues are not caused by outdated browser.

TL:DR: Summing things up

Google Chrome itself doesn’t put a cap on how big the files you upload can be. The real limits come from the server, your internet connection, and any rules the website or app you’re uploading to might have. Server settings and POST method limits are big factors to consider. When in doubt, it’s a good idea to talk to the server people or website support team if you’re having trouble with your uploads.

Nyau Wai Hoe
Nyau Wai Hoe is the Founder and Chief Editor of WindowsDigitals.com. With a degree in software engineering and over 12 years of experience in the tech support industry, Nyau has established himself as an expert in the field, with a primary focus on the Microsoft Windows operating system. As a tech enthusiast, he loves exploring new technologies and leveraging them to solve real-life problems.

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