How to Force a Crash on Windows 11 using CMD Batch Files

Published by Nyau Wai Hoe - Updated on

If you’re using Windows 11 and there’s a need to crash your computer on purpose (maybe for testing or fixing something), there’s a way that involves making a CMD batch file. Just know that doing this can cause you to lose data, so it’s a good idea only to try this on your computer. This approach will make a batch file that creates an endless loop of opening Command Prompt windows, eating up all your computer’s RAM and causing a temporary crash.

We’re going to show you step-by-step how to make and run this batch file. Be careful and only do this for good reasons.

Forcing a system crash on Windows 11 for testing purposes

Why would you want to crash your PC on purpose?

Crashing your PC on purpose isn’t usually what most people do. But sometimes, there are good reasons for it, like testing or fixing stuff. Here are some situations where you might need to crash your PC on purpose:

1. Software testing and debugging

  • Testing how well software can handle crashes.
  • Finding and fixing bugs in software.

2. Security testing

  • Checking if a system can handle attacks.
  • Trying different attack scenarios to see how the system handles them.

3. System stress testing

  • Seeing how a computer performs under tough conditions.
  • Testing new hardware or overclocking by pushing the system to its limits.

4. Kernel and driver development

  • Testing the stability of the operating system and drivers.

5. Disaster recovery testing

  • Practicing how to get data back after a big problem.

6. Education and training

  • Showing students how to handle system failures.

Remember, only crash your computer if you really understand the risks and only in a safe, test environment. And never do it on someone else’s computer without their okay.

Risks of crashing your computer on purpose

Before you decide to crash your Windows 11 computer on purpose, know the risks and use this power wisely.

  • Losing unsaved work or data.
  • Making your computer less stable.
  • Possibly damaging your hardware if you do this a lot.

Related resource: Does Faulty RAM Cause Freezes or Crashes on PC?

How to make a batch file to crash your Windows 11 computer on purpose

To crash your Windows 11 computer for testing, you can make a batch file that keeps opening Command Prompt windows. Here’s how:

  1. Open Notepad on your Windows 11 computer. You can find it by searching for “Notepad” or right-clicking on the desktop to make a new text document.Open Notepad in Windows 11
  2. Type @echo off in Notepad. This keeps the batch file running smoothly.Batch file echo off
  3. Add :crash on a new line. This sets up the loop in your batch file.Crash Windows 11 CMD command
  4. Put start as the next line. This makes the batch file open a Command Prompt window.Batch file infinite loop of Command Prompt windows
  5. Finish with goto crash. This tells the batch file to keep looping, opening more and more Command Prompt windows.How to Crash Windows 11 using CMD
  6. Save your Notepad file as a batch file with “.bat” at the end of the file name. Here’s how:
    • Click “File” then “Save As…”.
    • Choose “All Files” and name your file with “.bat” at the end.
    • Hit “Save.”

    Batch file to crash Windows 11 computer

  7. Get ready to run your batch file, but do it carefully and only on your own computer for good reasons.
  8. Make sure to save any important work before running the batch file because it will crash your computer and unsaved work might get lost.
  9. Close any browser windows to avoid losing any online work.
  10. Find your batch file, right-click it, and choose “Run as Administrator” to let it do its thing.How to manually force crash Windows 11
  11. Soon, you’ll see lots of Command Prompt windows popping up. Your computer will slow down and eventually crash.Crash Windows 11 with CMD window
  12. When that happens, press and hold the power button until your computer turns off. Then, turn it back on to restart it.Press the power button on PC case

Also see: How to Run Batch File Without the CMD Window

Just a reminder, this method is for testing and fixing things, not for fun or causing trouble. Be careful and only do this with your own computer.

Linked issue: Batch (.BAT) Files Not Running in Windows 11/10

Will this permanently crash my Windows 11 computer?

If you follow these steps to crash your Windows 11 computer, it’s meant to be temporary and shouldn’t hurt your system for good. Here’s why:

Temporary system crash

This method just overloads the system temporarily. To fix it, you just need to turn off and then turn back on your computer.

No permanent data loss

While the crash might close your unsaved stuff, as long as your hard drive is okay, your files will still be there after you restart.

Windows 11 is made to keep your files safe, even if something goes wrong. But, doing this a lot or not shutting down properly could mess up your files over time. Always back up your stuff to be safe.

Final thoughts

Crashing your Windows 11 computer on purpose with a CMD batch file can be useful for fixing or testing, but always be careful. Know the risks, protect your data, and only do this for good reasons. Keep your computer and data safe is always the most important thing.

Nyau Wai Hoe
Nyau Wai Hoe is the Founder and Chief Editor of With a degree in software engineering and over 12 years of experience in the tech support industry, Nyau has established himself as an expert in the field, with a primary focus on the Microsoft Windows operating system. As a tech enthusiast, he loves exploring new technologies and leveraging them to solve real-life problems.

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