WSUS Application Pool in IIS Keeps Stopping (Fix)

Published by Nyau Wai Hoe - Updated on

When you’re taking care of a Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) setup, sometimes you might run into a problem where the WSUS Application Pool in IIS just stops working. This glitch can mess up normal WSUS operations, like making it tough to get into the WSUS console. Let’s walk through what might cause this and how to fix it.

WSUS Application Pool Keeps Stopping
Related resource: How to Restart Windows Update Service on Windows 11

How to fix WSUS pool keeps stopping in IIS

1. Memory limitation

The WSUS App Pool (often called “WsusPool”) in IIS could be set to only use so much memory. If it hits this limit, IIS might stop the app pool to keep the server from running into problems.

Here’s how you can deal with this:

  1. Open IIS Manager.
  2. Go to Application Pools by opening up the server.WSUS Application Pool
  3. Find “WsusPool” and right-click it.
  4. Click Advanced Settings…WSUSPool Keeps Stopping
  5. Up the number for Private Memory Limit (KB) or change it to 0. Don’t forget to save.How to fix WSUS Application Pool Keeps Stopping in IIS

2. Database complications

WSUS really leans on its database for everything from update info to details about clients. If there’s a database problem, like corruption or indexing issues, WSUS might get stuck, causing the Application Pool to stop.

Keeping things tidy is key:

  • Reindexing the WSUS database can help it run smoother.
  • Using the WSUS Cleanup Wizard in the WSUS console helps remove old updates and keeps the database in good shape.

3. The problem with corrupt updates

Sometimes, WSUS might try to send out an update that’s messed up. This can freeze WSUS operations, messing with not just that update but possibly all updates waiting to go out.

What you can do:

  • Keep an eye on WSUS operations.
  • If an update seems to be the troublemaker, decline it then approve it again. This might make WSUS download it anew.
  • Talk to other WSUS and IT folks. If an update is causing trouble, they’ll likely know about it fast.

4. Critical roles of the .NET Framework

WSUS is built on the .NET Framework, so if there’s a problem with .NET, it can affect WSUS. Keeping .NET in good shape is crucial:

  • Check on .NET from time to time.
  • If there’s a problem, fixing or reinstalling .NET might be necessary, but make sure to backup important stuff first.

5. Addressing high CPU load

Running WSUS, especially with the Windows Internal Database (WID), can use a lot of resources. High CPU use can slow down the server, cause time-outs, or stop services like the WSUS Application Pool. Knowing how to manage resources is crucial:

  • If WSUS is on a virtual machine, it might need more resources.
  • Look through server logs to find anything using too much resource and deal with it.
  • Thinking about moving from WID to a dedicated SQL server might be worth it if WSUS needs have grown a lot.

6. Log investigations

IIS and WSUS keep logs that can shed light on what’s going on. Not looking at these logs might mean missing early signs of trouble or not knowing where to start when something’s wrong. Make it a habit to:

  • Look at Event Viewer logs for any WSUS or IIS errors.
  • Check out WSUS logs, usually at C:\Program Files\Update Services\LogFiles, for more details on what’s happening.

7. Keeping WSUS updated

Software changes over time, and so does WSUS. Using an old version of WSUS can leave you open to known problems that might have been fixed already. Keeping up-to-date is important:

  • Check now and then for WSUS updates or patches.
  • Keep an eye on Microsoft’s release notes for WSUS to stay in the loop on any known issues or improvements.

Final words

Most of the time, the WSUS Application Pool stopping is because it runs out of memory. The WSUS App Pool, if it doesn’t have enough memory, can quickly hit its limit and stop. Fixing this memory issue should be a priority. Also, keeping an eye on things regularly and updating when needed can prevent many problems before they start.

Nyau Wai Hoe
Nyau Wai Hoe is the Founder and Chief Editor of With a degree in software engineering and over 12 years of experience in the tech support industry, Nyau has established himself as an expert in the field, with a primary focus on the Microsoft Windows operating system. As a tech enthusiast, he loves exploring new technologies and leveraging them to solve real-life problems.

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